Monday, June 6, 2011

I hope you like dancing in the rain

I absolutely love going on runs, and today I discovered that my new love is running in the rain! It's great because you can't tell if it's sweat or water on your face! I had a lot of time to think on my run today. My dad has been appointed as a judge in Medicine Hat, and has been living there in the week and driving home on the weekends. I think everyone can agree that that would suck, no?

I've been thinking a lot about it lately and it really is hard for my mom to be home alone all summer while my brother is on a mission, I'm working in Waterton, and my dad is gone for work. They promised me that we would stay in Cardston so that I could finish out my senior year here, but I'm starting to wonder if it's even worth it. It's always been my dream to graduate from CHS just like every other member of my family did. But there is a lot I have to take into consideration about this whole situation:

-My mom is lonely
-My dad is constantly on the road
-I'll be playing for the Medicine Hat Kwahomies basketball team
-Starting my senior year at a new school that is twice the size of my previous one
-Going from a town where 80% of the people are mormon to where less than 40 are
-Moving from a small town to a big city
-Living in medicine hat...
-Leaving my friends
-Leaving the house I've been raised in

We'll have to see what ends up happening but my parents are sacrificing a lot for me to finish one year of school. Let's just say my school colors may go from blue and white to green and white within the next few months.

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