Excuse me for the title...
So I'm sure everyone knows that Bio is possibly the funnest and most interesting class especially with Janisko, but being in bio 20 you have the opportunity to take part in the Bio Challenge. The challenge consists of no pop throughout the whole semester and there is a new challenge every week. Like no cell phones, or no facebook ect..
But this week is we hit the half way point in the semester which means we have one of the toughest weeks of the challenge, Hell Week. This weeks challenge is:
1. No Facebook
2. No cellphone
3. No ipod/itouch/ipad
4. No gum
5. No deep fried food
6. No chocolate
7. No ice cream
8. No ketchup
9. Must wear mismatched socks everyday
10. Must give a parent a 5 min hand massage/ hand with lotion
11. Must wear coloured shirts:
Tuesday- Blue
Wednesday- Red
Thursday- Orange
Friday- Yellow
Monday- Green
12. Must give $2 to a stranger
14. Only 24 minutes of TV/day
To some you may think, how hard could it be? It's hard! They're just simple things that you are always used to having and you would never think twice about. Before I eat anything I have to scan this whole list to make sure that it's not carbonated, or deep fried, or has ketchup or ice cream in it. There is so many different things floating around in my brain and I have to constantly be concentrating on doing none of the above.
The no cell phone might be one of the hardest. Not because I'm addicted to texting or anything like that, but because people are constantly on their phones. You cannot look at a phone, tell someone to call someone from a cell phone, or tell them to text someone. If you do, you are out.
BUT the most difficult one would have to be the eating of the banana. Mr. Janisko specifically knew my hate for those gross yellow things, and decided that we needed to eat one this week. Everyone in the challenge likes them... except me. Coincidence? I think not. I have a good reason as to why I dislike them so much. When we were on our way to Echo Lake for a fam vacation, James and I were sitting in the back seat, and he had just downed a butt load of banana cream pie. Well he gets a little... woozy when we go over the mountain and I was so young it didn't even faze me as to why no one else would sit by James in the back seat. I now know why. He ended up throwing up all of that banana cream pie all over me! Ever since then I cannot stand the smell, or even the way people chew them.
In case anyone was wondering you do get a prize for completing this challenge. But they are unknown. My brother did it and I want to too. It definitely won't be easy but I know I can do it!